🛠️ Awesome Tools

Some tools you can use for entertainment or development on MacOS and Windows



This adds a new theme to the Terminal App of MacOS

  1. Download the file
  2. Import it to the Terminal App


The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)


Oh My Zsh

This adds a new theme to Oh My Zsh

  1. Download the file
  2. Place it under $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes folder
  3. Change ZSH_THEME to "rick" in $HOME/.zshrc

FortiClient VPN

The VPN-only version of FortiClient offers SSL VPN and IPSecVPN.



IINA is the modern video player for macOS.

Download GitHub


  • Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity on macOS
  • Designed with modern versions of macOS (10.11+) in mind
  • All the features you need for video and music: subtitles, playlists, chapters…and much, much more!
  • Force Touch, picture-in-picture and advanced Touch Bar support
  • Customizable user interface including multiple color schemes and on-screen controller (OSC) layout positioning
  • Standalone Music Mode designed for audio files
  • Video thumbnails
  • Online subtitle searching and intelligent local subtitle matching
  • Unlimited playback history
  • Convenient and interactive settings for video/audio filters
  • Fully customizable keyboard, mouse, trackpad, and gesture controls
  • mpv configuration files and script system for advanced users
  • Command line tool and browser extensions provided
  • In active development

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver is the only app you need to open RAR on Mac. It’s times more powerful than the native macOS utility and supports infinitely more archive formats.



Node.js version manager, fnm is recommended

  1. Install using Homebrew

    brew install fnm
  2. To automatically run fnm use when a directory contains a .node-version or .nvmrc file, add the following to $HOME/.zshrc profile:

    eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd)"
  3. Usage

    Available commands for extended usage documentation


Virtual Environment

  1. To use python venv module

    python3 -m venv .venv     # This creates virtual environment under current working directory in `.venv` folder
    source .venv/bin/activate # To activate venv
    deactivate                # To deactivate venv
  2. Poetry

    Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Poetry offers a lockfile to ensure repeatable installs, and can build your project for distribution.

Jupyter Notebook

Preferred online jupyter notebook https://colab.research.google.com/

To execute shell command in notebook

  1. With leading !

    !python -V
  2. %%bash

    python -V


  1. First, turn on settings under System > Developer > PowerShell > Scripts Policy, this grants permission for local scripts to run.

  2. Install oh-my-posh from Microsoft Store.

  3. Install posh-git

  4. Run code $PROFILE (use VS Code to edit profile of PowerShell), add following scripts:

    oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH\huvix.omp.json" | Invoke-Expression
    Import-Module posh-git
    clear # clear terminal output

    Check out more oh-my-posh Themes